Sunday, August 8, 2010


This is my good Saturday- first i had 2 cups of coffee in my favorite chair. Then Morgan plopped on the floor in front of me to have french braids in her hair.Then we went downtown and shopped together. Looking for shade on King Street because the heat was sweltering. We also went to our favorite "Moes" for lunch, vowing to keep it a secret because Matt and Michael would be so jealous.

Tonight we had good friends for dinner along with some of the kids friends who were here. The tide was so high tonight, the highest we've seen it yet, so the kids kyacked and swam in the creek.When it got dark we ate pasta and lasangne. There were kids sprawled on couches and chairs and we watched the puppy and josie play. Then we lit the torches and sat on the patio.

now everyone is in bed, except for me. I am sitting here in my new nightgown, the one Morgan convinced me to get from Victoria Secret's.I usually get pjs from Walmart, but I have to admit this new one is comfy. The house is so quiet and before i go to bed, i love to go look at each child asleep. Isn't that such a mommie thing to do? we all do it, watch them sleep for a few minutes before we go to bed, no matter how old they get. Good night...

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