Saturday, January 28, 2012


For so many years, I worked "shifts" as a hospital nurse. Dealing with life & death, with tradgedy and the end of my shift, I came home. Like closing a book, it was so easy to leave, then the next day pick it up again and begin another chapter. Now my "shift" is long and seemingly never over, each day spilling into the next and the next. I no longer work shifts, now I am on a continuim with Bruce, of  intervals of tests, procedures, treatments, surgery. We go to work, we go about our daily routines, and we await the next "staging" of treatment.

How does it all get done? How do our children continue to thrive, to study, to persue their dreams and goals? Every need, every time I pray for a way, God puts someone in our path to provide. Each one of you, who are taking the time to read my thoughts and feelings, YOU have met a particular need of ours at some point in time; maybe without even knowing it. The batting practice provided by Lance for Matthew, the bat loaned to him by Baylor, the access to a washer & dryer by my sister in law when mine broke, the meals cooked by my friends and co-workers, the cards sent by out of town relatives with written words of encouragement, the free use of a Cello for Michael from his strings teacher, the dinner brought over by the high school friends of Morgan's, I cannot even write down all that has been done for us,it would take pages and pages . Bridges have been built, relationships have deepened, we have been humbled, and we have been provided for in so many ways.

I have always found it hard to accept or ask for help. Maybe it was pride, I am not sure. Now I have had to humble myself and ask for myself, for Bruce & for my children. I grew up thinking poverty was the biggest obstacle in my life, and thinking if only I had the money to get what I needed, life would be complete. God has shown me that what we need is to rely on each other. All the money in the world does not buy health, does not buy time, does not buy happiness. My prayer is that others, will rely on our family, as well, and not be afraid to ask US to help, to share, to provide. Building bridges is about crossing over, not in one direction, but back & forth, until it becomes a well worn path. That is friendship, that is family, that is faith.

Humbly yours,

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