Morgan was on a Youth Group Ski Trip in WV....
Bruce & Michael were 'hangin out in downtown Chas....
Valentines Day is not THAT get sick, life happens....
So while Morgan was skiing in WV with her BFF's, poor Matt was burning up with fever
laying on the couch, in the bed, on the chair, anywhere to try to get comfortable.
I sent bruce & michael off to enjoy our wonderful city. bruce is like that, he loves to take one of the kids and go sightseeing in our own town. i love that about him...hummm so really my Valentines gift is having a family, a husband who spends time with me and with each child.
having time to take care of a sick child and texting my teen back and forth while she
is on a youth group trip. Its playing monopoly and reading for hours to a sick child....
One more thing, I love simplicity.