Friday, January 9, 2009

Did you know....

DID YOU KNOW CHARLESTON HAS THE ONLY TEA FARM IN AMERICA? I did not... DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE VINEYARD??I didn't. So we (Bruce, of course) decided to check it out. So we (Bruce actually) researched it and planned a day trip to Wadamalaw Island last Saturday.
Don't you just LOVE family outings????Can you imagine that our kids did not really enjoy our outing to the Tea Farm on Wadamalaw Island? or the visit to the vineyard? or eating that day at the Fat Hen?Hummm...
Well, these are GREAT places to see & I am going back this summer! I want to see the tea plantation and vineyard in action. Maybe taste some of the wine, Oh yes you know I will be doing that!! Believe me, the kids will thank me if I let them stay home, but I will certainly drag them back out. By the way, if anyone is reading this, I invite you and your children to come with us!! It would be sooo much more fun with other kids,esp for mine! If they are not interested in the wine and tea making process, I have at least done my job if I expose them to these opportunities in our home town, and educate them, right? Then they can make an informed decision/opinion based on fact.I wish I could write that we had a wonderful, educational experience, however, that would be a BOLD FACE LIE. In actuality, Bruce & I loved it! The boys enjoyed parts of it, Morgan endured it and counted down the minutes until we got home. Oh well, at least they DID see the only Tea Farm in the US. We all got some exercise and the Fat Hen on John's Island ( Maybank Rd to be exact) has scrumptious food and I highly recommend it for brunch.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

HOW lucky am I to have Morgan to take pictures for me??? Michael swinging Ellis




THANKS David for cooking the oysters and BRUCE for the home made table!!!!
WE parents stayed home last night shooting fire works with the kids and watching the ball drop at TIME SQUARE. Me and Morgan always rub it in that YES we have been to NYC/Time Square.... OK back to New Year's Day- we decided to have some friends over for chili (Gigi's recipe ) and oysters (David's help needed) and watch the CLEMSON BOWL GAME. Of course neither one of us went to Clemson, but we love Clemson Football. So our first day 0f 2009 was spent laughing, eating and enjoying our friends and family. What could be better? Oh & did I mention the delicious pork roast and best cole slaw EVER that Liz and Lance brought? or the fabulous olive dip Gigi made? YUM!!!

I am so happy we had a sunny, cool day for our first day of 09. I'm happy to have healthy children, healthy husband and a home. And now I will go read my book since the youngest is tucked away, the middle is staying with his friend tonight, and the teen is in her room (where else would a teen be?)

Morgan and Brittany showing off their boots on New Year's Day