Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Annual Vacation in Ky at the Lake...

Memaw and Matt out to eat
Ricky & Rhena

The lake Grandmother & Bruce
Joanne, Aunt Sylvia & Morgan

All of us out to eat the last night of vacation

Bruce and the boys jeepin with Ricky & Brandon

Taylor & Morgan (inseparable for the week)

Morgan & Dad (wish I looked that good with wet hair!)

Todd and cute little Alyssa!

David learned to ski!

Brandon skiing, so did Chris, but I don't have a pic

Matthew learned to slalem( how DO you spell it??) anyway, he can ski on one ski

lots of tubing, of course

Morgan, Matthew, Michael (YES Michael), David (he was the FIRST to jump) & Brandon jumping off 30 ft rock quarry into the lake. NOTE: JOANNE was NOT there and was UNAWARE of this adventure until it was over.....YIKES!

Michael, Colby & Matt around the camp fire

Amy with her other babies, Molly & Moe. Alyssa holding the leash...

dinner time

Miss Personality: Alyssa!
Matt & Morgan riding Memaw's bike....(what a cool grandma!)

relaxing at the camper

After MUCH packing, cleaning the house, washing the dog, shopping for camping gear, we packed the car and left to pick up Morgan before heading to KY. Yes, pick up Morgan, because she was in Leesville for a week attending the Christian Leadership Camp. (GREAT CAMP!!)
So, we drove 1/2 way and spent the night, then arrived in Ky on Saturday. Did I mention that we brought the boat? Yes, we pulled it behind my van, and it looked ridiculously LOW the chains dragging & poor Bruce checked on it over and over, so it was a SLOW ride! Enjoy the pictures....

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