Friday, July 16, 2010


This summer we went on a cruise with my brother and his family. Had a blast eating, staying up really late, hitting the buffet at 1am, it was a blast. We danced, sang, stared at the stars, laughed and laughed! What a great start to the summer.
Then, our next venture was me taking my kids + 2 of my nieces to Boca Raton Florida to see my sister and her family. Well, it was quite a mixed bag: me and my sister laughed, had great times, had times where we felt like we were irritable and sleep deprived, laughed at ourselves again. My car broke down to the tune of 800.00, so my sister was stuck with us for even longer. We really did enjoy the kids, just didn't get much sleep.
Then Matt went to a week long camp in Winsboro with 2 cousins, Michael went to my other sisters, Morgan went to Lindseys and I packed up the house b/c we are moving. So now here we sit in a packed up house waiting to move, watching way too much TV, driving the golf cart around at night, and eating out a lot. Can't wait to get in the new house!!!

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