Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The beginning

Tomorrow while most are still asleep Bruce and I will head to MUSC for the docs, once again, to put Bruce asleep....a minor surgery before radiation starts next week. The kids will get up and the coffee and breakfast will not be waiting as usual, they will be fine because they are so much older, but it will feel different for all of us. It is different because treatment is now underway. We have had butterflies in our stomaches. We have felt the uncertainty of anticipating change, we have been wearing our Blue for Bruce bracelets and praying a lot. But tomorrow we board the train and really start our journey. Tonight we are enjoying our Wednesday night shows and my co workers are generously planning and preparing the dinner they promised us tomorrow. They are feeding our family and I am so grateful. Tonight we will read one of the notes we received from family and friends.

God's peace,

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