Thursday, October 13, 2011


/I am already amazed at Gods hand in Bruce's illness. Our family is beginning a journey of unknown proportion and unknown destination; being led through darkness hoping and praying to be brought into the light with renewed strength and faith.... We already have so many who have joined us on the journey, so we are not alone; so many lighting the pathway with glimmers of hope and light.

God works through his followers to make sure we are all taken care of. Our family's hearts are full of gratitude and strengthened by the outpouring we have received from so many. Our children, including Rhena, who have quietly picked up extra chores around the house to lighten the load...who have continued to work hard in school and are giving extra smiles and hugs.
Every Facebook entry with a kind words of support and encouragement, every card received with handwritten messages,every  text  received with words of encouragement, prayers said for Bruce, food cooked by friends, so many acts of kindness by so many who are so busy with their own jobs, families, commitments and lives. So much giving to us from those with their own burdens to bear,  their own stressors. 

Know that every prayer is received and treasured, every kind work,every smile, text, facebook post, card, hug, meal prepared- all are equally treasured and equally appreciated more than you know.  We expect nothing, we know many who love and care are incapable of reaching out and we understand All of you have lightened the load, fed our souls  and helped  with the journey. All of you have dispursed sparks of light along the way and reminded us of God's constant presence. Rest in knowing that all who have reached out to our family, have already done enough, we are already strengthened, we are well equipped for what lies ahead, and we are here for you as well to help you all on your journey

God bless,
Joanne & family

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