Thursday, December 1, 2011

FoJo Family

I have so so many people that I am thankful for in my life, especially right now as many are reaching out in so many beautiful ways. Tonight, I am focusing on my "FoJo Family" as I call them. They are my work family. My job, is a ministry for me and my co-workers are truly family.
I worked at MUSC for so so long. I was arrogant,really, I was arrogant and hardened by witnessing tragedy after tragedy, by learning to cope with deaths of children, tragic deaths, by hardening my heart. We all did that, it was a way to cope. I was forced into a career change when my health deteriorated and my beloved sister, Julie,became a victim of a homicide,all in the same weekend. I left MUSC behind as I struggled along with my family, to find healing and closure. I stumbled upon school nursing, green to the school system, and was quickly humbled by the challenges of being the only medical staff in the building. I waa embraced by the amazing, hard working staff of Ft. Johnson. The staff treated me with kindness and welcomed me into the school. I fell in love with Ft Johnson and with school nursing; the students, the staff, the uplifting environment.
It is this very staff, these dedicated teachers, administrators, and every staff member, that has chosen to join our family in our journey...they have fed our bodies & souls the past month. Dinner is always ready for us on Thursdays. They are swamped with work, they are busy with their lives and commitments, yet they take the time to cook for us, to write us cards and to keep me smiling and cared for daily at work.
Thank you FoJo family. Thank you for all the caring and giving. Thank you for letting me serve at the school. Thank you for teaching my children and caring for my family. Thank you for joining us in the journey as we pray for Bruce's healing. Thank you for being you.


Melissa Parrish said...

God has funny ways of showing us what truly matters in life and he has amazing ways of showing us the FAITH that we can not see but is always there. He puts angels in our lives and we don't know it until it comes time that we really need them and they are there! I am so grateful to be part of a family with FAITH as strong as yours! I have missed you all so very much and so glad we have reconnected our ties. I just wish we lived closer. We love you and pray daily for all of you. Thank you for setting such a wonderful example. "God's Got This"! Love you Missy :)

Anonymous said...

You my dear friend are a very big part of FOJO. Thank you for giving all that you do to the students, staff and parents. God bless all of you on this journey.