Tuesday, February 21, 2012

In between

In between the doctor visits, the treatments, the surgery.....life goes on with a family. My only daughter is a Senior in high school. We have ordered graduation invitation, taken Senior pictures, filled out financial aid information, job shadowed a graphic designer(Thanks Ann Marie!), even purchased her prom dress! I adore this little girl, and the boys too, of course....This morning as we get ready for school, and I prepare to go to the hospital with Bruce, Morgan offered to come sit with me this afternoon with her father. Morgan is a gentle soul, a giving person. She works hard at Outback Steakhouse, she goes to school, & she is always willing to help out with her brothers. Her smile lights up a room, she has a very calm demeanor, and it is so comforting to have her in our family. She and the boys offered to go spend their day with Bruce yesterday, their school holiday was willingly spent in the hospital. God is Good. Today I am thanking Him for our children.

In between,
            the doctor visits,
                          the treatments,
                                          Bruce & I decided we are living life to the fullest,
                                                                   enjoying family & friends....
                                        some days that committment is harder than others.....

/Right now it is hard.


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